My Basis for Morality

For a long time, I wrestled with the question of why, other than divine fiat, to avoid acts like murder. I could argue fear of law, but I really don’t care about the law, even though I normally follow it. Eventually, while driving home from work one day, it hit me: causing suffering is bad because suffering … More My Basis for Morality

November 14, 2010

I remember it being a rainy day, and I remember being in need of a shower. The rain might be a figment of my imagination. It was Sunday again. Once, I had looked forward to this day, for it meant sharing in the ritual of church. Indeed, I used to like that ritual enough that … More November 14, 2010

Is the belief in a god something I must accept only on faith?

My reasoning rejects the idea of blind faith. If “God” cannot accept that I will not worship him on blind faith, he is not the god I was raised to worship and serve, for he does not understand me at all. And if the god who exists does not love and understand me, why should … More Is the belief in a god something I must accept only on faith?