Hell Is Immorral

The requirement of faith to avoid Hell is the least moral part of Christianity, or at least those forms of Christianity which preach Hell. For the purposes of this post, I am assuming a doctrine of Hell wherein those who either do not believe in Jesus or do not follow him are condemned to Hell; … More Hell Is Immorral

Faith vs Doubt

This post is largely inspired by my reading of A Faith Brief: A Lawyer’s Argument for Why Faith Prevails Over Doubt by Patrick M Garry, although I am unlikely to use quotes from the book for this. I was reading through it and adding commentary a bit over a year ago, but I stopped bothering with the … More Faith vs Doubt

The Woo of Toxicity (Plus a Bit about Cancer)

There’s a webcomic almost entirely like any other I follow that deals with topics often encountered by skeptics. Yesterday’s strip was about the Pumpkin Spice Latte and toxins. He certainly gets nothing wrong, that I can see, but I have a tiny bit to add. Saying something is “toxic” is almost meaningless, because essentially everything … More The Woo of Toxicity (Plus a Bit about Cancer)

Evolution or Emergence: Freedom and Paradox on a Saturated Beach

Tonight, I’m going out to discuss this article at a group I personally like better than last night’s (familiarity might be part of that; also, tonight’s group is smaller, which is better for deep discussion). As far as I can tell, the point of this article is to say that we should choose to act … More Evolution or Emergence: Freedom and Paradox on a Saturated Beach