Sugar: A Poison?

After hearing one too many times from family members that sugar is poison, I decided to make a list and do some math. This is apparently a common theme for me! Skittles (2 oz): 43.2 grams Apple: 19 g Mango: 46 g Pear: 17 g Grapes (1 cup): 15 g Pineapple (whole fruit): 89 g … More Sugar: A Poison?

On Vaccinations

If you’re short on time, this comic provides a good cliff notes version of pretty much everything I’m about to say, even though I’m not affiliated with the person who made it. I’ll link it at the bottom, too, in case you want to read my thing first. I’ve linked to a documentary and a … More On Vaccinations

On Homeopathy

Today, I’d like to introduce my readers to the Skeptic’s Dictionary. I expect it to be a useful resource for all intelligent people who accept a basic evidence-based epistemology. This would include the scientific method, the acceptance of which is a mark of all rational, educated persons. Specifically, I am pointing to the page on homeopathy, … More On Homeopathy

The Woo of Toxicity (Plus a Bit about Cancer)

There’s a webcomic almost entirely like any other I follow that deals with topics often encountered by skeptics. Yesterday’s strip was about the Pumpkin Spice Latte and toxins. He certainly gets nothing wrong, that I can see, but I have a tiny bit to add. Saying something is “toxic” is almost meaningless, because essentially everything … More The Woo of Toxicity (Plus a Bit about Cancer)